Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Its My Right To Think This Way!

I'm an African Child,
a African youth....a African dream..
born in a beautiful continent...
with beautiful resources all around...
but i cant believe why is it the way i see it...

I'm getting the worse education..
poor learning conditions..
poor emotional help from the national leaders...
sometime I wish to run away from the reality..
I wish I was born abroad...
thinking maybe things would have been different...

Everyday i hear bad news from the media...
My African leaders are stilling our hope..
millions of dollars are to-god-knows-where banks..
money which was supposed to uplift my hope...
money to be spent in public social services...
now is being spend in god-knows-places by leaders..



Anonymous said...

This one I will agree with you.

Anonymous said...

my friend do you think being born abroad would have made things better?
have you ever seen this song by ray j and monica,another day in paradise?abroad life is not as easy as you might think.
keep it up.

Anonymous said...

HI ANDREW,thanks..nimekupata, but I didn't mean it that way, ni usanii tu!!

Who should be blamed for the economical backward of African countries?

Do u real think we will escape GLOBAL WARMING?