This to all my readers! I have been offline for a while so that I may have a great comeback! And within days this blog will have new layouts and I will try all my best to make it more interesting. Pls, support me by visiting again!!! Love You!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's real unbelievable! Our schools, secondary school, are in great debt that schools have to be closed early for mid year holiday. What is this meaning? The government is unable to pay the food suppliers?
Friday, May 16, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Hii ni kwa x-ilborians wote!
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Firstly the idea of E.A Federation is a great thing, socially, economically without forgetting politically. It shows how much our E.African leaders are united in promoting what we may call an African unity. But still there something that worries me! Its about the youth of the East Africa! What is my point in here? What I say is that we shouldn't move in such great pace, because we may forget to look what we see as small things/issues but they may cause a great damage in the future. On my follow up I got about the E.A Community youth council, what we should ask is how many youths in this East African countries know about it, what are its functions? How are the members elected? That isn't the point, but the point is the E.A Community shouldn't forget the voice of youths, because if these determine the future of the region, if they wont understand properly the advantages of the community or the federation I'm telling you it wont take long, it will change to history. The youth need to be aware of this federation topic, the youth council{if it real exists, and if it has got real serious youths} must play a big part in this.
Secondly, there is the issue of national unity. As one reader gave a comment ''the big problem of East Africa is and will be-we have more than 200 tribes that we can't control''. The North Uganda problem has to solved, the Kenya tribalism has to be solved, the Zanzibar CUF-CCM has to solved too, then we can talk about a FEDERATION! A HAPPY FEDERATION MUST BE BUILT BY HAPPY MEMBERS!!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
A NEED OF A NATIONAL YOUTH PARLIAMENT OR COUNCIL! Is it ringing in your minds? Don’t worry if it doesn’t now it will as you go on reading this post, and if you will still be on the other side I believe you one day be on my side.
Is there real a system of uniting youths in your country? Or minimize it to your region. Is there any? Possibly not, and if its there I doubt if it has the influence or support it needs so as to run in its required state. The voice of the youths has to be heard! Its time our governments and thee community in general to realize our importance in the cultural, political and economical development our nations. I believe if we, youths, will be given the attention we need we are going to make changes in our society. I believe if we will be encouraged enough, and realize that our society understand and believe in us, I’m sure we’ll do something for our nations. I wont use this time to talk about youths’ capabilities, I think you will get that from my other posts but what I’m going to say in this post is my desire for a formation of a known and respected council where youths representing different areas of their country my seat and discuss about matters from cultural, political to economical issues from the level of youths themselves to that of their country in general.
In other words I can say there is a need of YOUTH EMPOWERMENT in our societies and nations in general. Referring to the UNITED NATIONS, WORLD YOUTH REPORT 2007, anyone who had a chance to pass your eyes on it you must be impressed. Yeah! There is a need to be impressed! There is a part which talks about the governments taking actions; this includes a formation of volunteering programs a good example includes my country, Tanzania.This programs if they aren't given much advetise they are not going to mean anything. There is A REAL NEED OF UNITING THE YOUTHS, WE ARE THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRIES, OUR CONTINENTS AND A FUTURE WORLD TOO....HEY if you aren't aware, YOUTHS MAKES A NEARLY HALF OF THE PRESENT WORLD POPULATION!
Friday, March 14, 2008

It’s where I am much interested in. I mean it's the only job in the world where I can sign a 'life-time' job. The United Nations Organization is the place where I keep my effort to reach, because i see it has much influence in the world. I don't know if much work has been done to bring it closer to the youths especially Africa, I like to say it clear that even the future of the United Nations power and influence lies in the hands of the present youths in the world. Therefore there is much work and funding to educate the youths about the importance of the United Nations in our present and future life. Why do I say that?
If you are youth and even if you aren't one, try to bring the topic about the United Nations in school, work or anywhere with people to comment, i bet it more than 60% will say there is nothing much than certain countries who control everything in the UN. I say this because I've been in it too much. People don't trust the UN, and it's not them to be blamed much but I argue the United Nation to educate people. I'm glad that on my own effort I tried hard to know the United Nation that on my own I was able to establish a UN Youth Club at my school, but ask me what support do I get? Its nothing, there is a country network but honestly speaking I am not sure if they do anything to spread the UN among the youths of our country to deserve praises.
I feel lucky that I know the importance of the UN, but its hurting me when i think about my other fellows, there is the 'WORLD YOUTH REPORT' latest published in 2007, it has very important issues for the youths to know but i tell you it may be 1 youth in 5000 who even heard of it in my country.. And the bad thing is that we have youth delegates to the United Nations youth summits which takes place yearly at the UN Headquarters in New York, I call it bad because there is nothing that they do to spread what they discussed or even introduce the United Nations to Youth of our country.
NB; I want to hear from you!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Its My Right To Think This Way!
a African youth....a African dream..
born in a beautiful continent...
with beautiful resources all around...
but i cant believe why is it the way i see it...
I'm getting the worse education..
poor learning conditions..
poor emotional help from the national leaders...
sometime I wish to run away from the reality..
I wish I was born abroad...
thinking maybe things would have been different...
Everyday i hear bad news from the media...
My African leaders are stilling our hope..
millions of dollars are to-god-knows-where banks..
money which was supposed to uplift my hope...
money to be spent in public social services...
now is being spend in god-knows-places by leaders..