Sunday, May 4, 2008



Anonymous said...

This thing about E.A Federation just makes me sick.The three leaders are all driven by greed as all want to take control of E.A I think Tanzania as a nation we should at all costs reject this charade coz its going to cost us alot.
One more thing my friend it seems like your blog does not have bloggers why dont you think of promoting it at other blog sites such as issa michuzi.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It’s all good.
If you lived during the E/A Community or hear stories of how beneficially it was you will agree with its existence on the first place and will fight to see it moving even faster.
I understand how hard now , people will be against it and I will tell you - Tanzanian citizens will fight hard to push it back and not forward, its change- and people think are hesitant to changes on their own reasons. Some reasons might be constructive and genuine but for sure I will tell you many reasons will just be ego developed - from fear, untruth circumstances and just hypothetical reasons full of air mongering - which I will tap them as full of cynical reasons.
You know, the big problem that we have is languages barriers, USA come into quick, but not really quick agreement to say on union because of having a common language. Although, I might say they went into war with confederation side to defend a common good thing which was forming one union. EU on the hand has more than 30 languages but has found something in common to agree with. The big problem of E/A is and will be – we have more than 200 tribes that we can’t’ control let alone agree in the first place. We have not come into unity ourselves in one country because of the issue of tribalism, and I will tell you what about three countries.
Let’s stop Pickering and keep it real, that E/A is and will be beneficial for both.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Who should be blamed for the economical backward of African countries?

Do u real think we will escape GLOBAL WARMING?