Sunday, December 16, 2007


It is the future that many look at, its the future that matters much. When we talk about African youths' future we should know we also talk about the African continent future. I mean in order to see a bright future of Africa continent we must make sure we have a bright future for the young people of Africa.
The African governments must realize the importance of the youth in their countries, they should make sure they create an atmosphere where by the youth can learn about their country and Africa in general, they should do their best to help the youth build patriotism towards their countries and continent in general.

If you try to ask just some of the African youth about what they feel to be in Africa and maybe if they get some thousands dollars what will they do you will find most of them talking about leaving Africa for abroad mainly the west, we should be shameful of this, the main reason is that the governments have leave back the idea of looking for a way to create a patriotic ideas in the minds of its youth who assures the future of their countries and the African continent.
If you try to ask just some of the African youth about what they feel to be in Africa and maybe if they get some thousands dollars what will they do you will find most of them talking about leaving Africa for abroad mainly the west, we should be shameful of this, the main reason is that the governments have leave back the idea of looking for a way to create a patriotic ideas in the minds of its youth who assures the future of their countries and the African continent.
What I want to say to my African leaders who mostly are old people is that the future of Africa lies in your hands, the way you treat or behave towards the youths, it has a great effects in our minds, we, youths. When I hear about corruption scandals against our African leaders it hurts me, and furthermore its discouraging. Is it true? I pray for it to be lies.
We should know that the youths are people who like to take an older person mistake as an authorization to misbehave. And it also discourage patriotism, humans love good praises it hurts to be a patriotic of a corrupted and poor country.

The governments must show that they real mean when they talk about bringing development to their countries, cause if nothing changes the youth will be the first to judge and out of it they may hate to be born in their countries, and you can guess what will next happen.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Every 17 seconds a girl is raped in South Africa. That is what I heard from Aljazeera News English, something like early December. It's an astonishing thing. If this wont be taken seriously i'm not sure if we will accomplish what we are calling an H.I.V free Africa. We should understand this means more than 5000 galz are raped each day and if we look properly at the ratio of H.I.V infection in SA it means more than 180ppl are affected each day now multiply that number by 365, the numbers are astonishing.! Something must be done, according to Aljazeera there are no tight laws against raping. Laws, very tight laws. The government must show its real serious when it comes to such matters. And in social point of view the society must understand the importance of good treaty to raped victims, its time to think even for a second what would you feel if you were in her shoe. Education to the people must be given priority, this will help to remove the evil beliefs such as raping a young girl/child can help to cure H.I.V. Leaders at different levels should participate in campaigns against H.I.V, from tribal leaders, community leaders, religious leaders to government leaders. I believe if youth will be given the first priority in matters concerning H.I.V AIDS them the battle will be ours. We will win. I believe an H.I.V free population can be created!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Is there a solution? As Africa continent keeps on developing there are different negative and positive effects to its youths. Globallization intruduces us to different cultures, with little knowledge among the people the African youths are now exposed too much to foreign cultures expecially the west than their are own culture. The results are seen all over Africa, in towns, in the cities, everywhere. Its time that we should stop being quiet about it, ignoring pretending we dont see.
There are positive and negative impacts! But mostly negative,. I want you my reader to give your comment, lets share, give steps in which our governments and communities have to do so as to reduce the negative effects that faces our youths as a result of foreign cultures!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

I never thought in my life i'll one day have a place for expressing all about my life,my views meaning socially, economically, and furthermore politically. Maybe I didnt know if it will be so fast like this. I'm 19 years old,today 3rd November more than two months from my 19th birthday that is 28th of August.
In this blog I reveal my life as a youth, my views as a youth and also the goals I want to reach in my life. I'm determined to make the best out of my life and I believe I'll,I'll reach the success I want in life, I'll make a change in the world..
One of my teacher taught me to be a number with meanning, a number that when added can make a change, meaning I shouldn't be a number zero,it cant make change when added to other number.
thank you for visiting my blog
its my hope you will find very good things in here!

Who should be blamed for the economical backward of African countries?

Do u real think we will escape GLOBAL WARMING?